Tutorial – lace doilies


I made some cute lace doilies today! It was a lot of fun and not very hard either! I made one from marzipan and one from sugarpaste, and I think the marzipan one was a little easier. I used piping tips and the sugarpaste had a tendency to stick to the tips. Marzipan worked better in that aspect, although it didn’t hold its shape as well and wasn’t as easy to move. I guess it works either way! Continue reading

A romantic cake and quick piping tutorial

Rose and piping

Oh how I love making cakes… Especially making ones just because I want to. Then I can just do whatever feels right, try new techniques and ideas, knowing that no one will be disappointed if it turns out terrible (accept for my self that is). This time I wanted to do something really romantic with some white on white piping and soft colors. I really love floral piping in the same color as the background; it looks so feminine and soft, subtle yet striking.  Continue reading

How to make dried apple slices


These apple slices are truly wonderful (and beautiful!). They were great on cupcakes but you could also serve them on their own as a snack or together with some ice cream, on the sides of a cake… You should definitely give them a go! I’m not sure how many slices you’ll get with this recipe… I got 8 but probably could have made 16… It was so difficult to slice thinly so only about half of the slices looked decent! 😉  Continue reading

Recipe – Apple, cinnamon and vanilla cupcakes

Apple cupcakes-001

Growing up (okay,  I guess I’m still growing up and so I’ll have to wait about 10 more years before I can actually say that… maybe I should say “during my childhood”. Yes, let’s go with that! anyways,) my mom always made apple crumble pie with vanilla sauce during the summers. Together with rhubarb crumble pie, that’s the most summery dessert I can think of. Continue reading

Tutorial – red poppy, part 1


I must admit… I’m really proud of this flower. For the first time, a flower actually turned out the way I envisioned it, and it makes me so happy! Unfortunately, my camera is really, really bad a photographing red and it always comes off as a big orange/red blob, but at least I know how it really looks! Of course I took photos when I made it so I will share a tutorial, the first part of how to make the center today, and the second part of making the petals tomorrow. Continue reading

One tier cake with geometric print


After one week without making a single cake or cupcake or cookie or flower or anything I was today feeling some serious abstinence! So I made yet another dummy cake to satisfy my addiction 😉 In France I saw these lovely perfume bottles and one of them had a print that I  immediately thought would be perfect on a cake! And if you recognize the peony; yes, it is the same flower that I’ve used twice before. But I needed something and the peony was just sitting there, waiting to be used.. 😉  Continue reading

Typical Swedish graduation cake


As promised, here comes the post for the second graduation cake I made last week! This post is mainly for any Swedish readers who are interested in making a Swedish graduation cap cake yourselves! But before I begin with the quick tutorial for the cake, I thought I’d share some of my knowledge of covering cakes in modelling chocolate. Continue reading

Back from France!

I’ve just come back from a wonderful vacation to the french riviera with a few friends. Actually, we were supposed to be home 2 days ago, but if you have heard about the airplane strike in France, you know where I have been… All the planes leaving Nice airport on Tuesday and Wednesday were cancelled due to the strike so we got another two days there. Well, I really shouldn’t complain about two extra days of paid vacation.. 😉 Anyways; this is the reason I haven’t posted for a while!  Continue reading

Graduation cake!!! (with recipe and tutorial)


Yesterday was my graduation from the Swedish version of high school. It was such an amazing day, spending time with  friends and family, eating good food and – of course – home made cake! The “traditional” graduation cake is one that looks like the Swedish graduation cap and I made one of those cakes for a friend of mine. I will be posting about that later in the week or the next. For myself though I went for a simple cake. Continue reading